Monday, July 20, 2015


Should we interrupt in Nature's Deeds?
In our last biology class, our teacher was telling us about human activities' "ill-effects" on ecosystems and that protecting the ecosystems is our responsibility. Many people believe that construction of wildlife sanctuaries and bio-reserves, adoption and care of animals, and collection, storage and preservation of plant specimens (seeds) are methods to do so. But, I strongly oppose most of it. We shouldn't interrupt in nature's deeds, either for the bad or what we assume is good!!

We have a long-standing habit of poking our nose into everything and doing things without giving much regards to  its consequences. Firstly, we managed to change (others prefer destroy) our environment with our habitation, agriculture, and industrialization. Frankly speaking, I don't find any flaw in it. We are as much a part of the environment as it is of us. As inhabitants of the Earth, we have every right to make our stay here comfortable; but we also have the duty to accept the ramifications of ours' as well as our cohabitants', animals, plants and microbes, activities. Secondly, claiming ourselves to be the smartest species in the generations to come, we indulge in activities to protect nature. Why do we want to conserve nature in its current state? Are we afraid of the future? Afraid that species smarter than us may evolve, and dominate us? Treat us as we now treat chimps?

We are either incorrigible hypocrites or ingenuous ignorants. One should either be selfless or accept that we are selfish. Why be a hypocrite? We speak so much of conservation of nature; protecting nature for nature's sake, for animals' and plants' sake. Did they ask us for protection? Aren't we obligated to all such things? But, I believe we actually do all of it for our own sake. We have feasts during holy festivals, don't we? Why? Because, we want to, but we take the name of God as if he demanded us to have such a sumptuous meal. Why do we treat others respectfully and courteously? Because, we often expect the same attitude in return. If it was ensured that no matter how you behaved, others would treat you respectfully, I bet, most people's true character would come out.

If we are not hypocrites, then we are ignorants for failing to consider the aftermath of our actions. We often hear that the number of species on Earth are decreasing, and that species loss is our loss. I believe it is just nature's way of filtering out the incompatible. When we change, the nature around us changes. If some species are dying, some more better suited species are being generated. Saving a mere two or three species will not sustain the future. Nature has its own ways of solving problems and speciation is one of the best it has come up with. Origin of man was a result of speciation. If we stop obstructing nature at every path, it will redeem itself; it will speciate. Nature will balance itself; not restore, but balance!!

Studying substantial parts of history, evolution and pre-historic life, the one thing that we can deduce is that change is inevitable. Yet, we resist it. Whenever something new happens, whether gradually or suddenly, we become hysterical. We hear that only a thousand tigers are left in India, and we begin worrying- What to do? What to do?? Let's try this! Let's try that!! I say, stop all this bullshit and reassess the scenario. For a change, let's not do anything, and wait for nature to complete its move. Remember, humans evolved from nature ans not the other way round. Let's stop interfering and allow nature to get its act back together. Let's live and let live!!

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